Storage Chest as DLC?

General discussion about NGames, Lords of Xulima, classic RPGs, gaming, etc.

Storage Chest as DLC?

Postby tolkienfan37 » Tue Feb 16, 2016 1:56 am

I've just purchased LOX for Mac through Steam and am enjoying it thoroughly! The only thing I am lacking is a storage chest, which is a common item for most CRPGs. I searched online to see if there was one somewhere in the game, but the information I was able to find indicated that LOX does not have a chest where you can store items.

I was wondering if it would be possible for the LOX gods to either (a) create one as part of a game update, or (b) create one as DLC?
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Re: Storage Chest as DLC?

Postby Anubis » Wed Feb 17, 2016 9:24 pm

For Xulima, we went with a model where we wanted the players to carefully consider how much they are carrying and have to make difficult choices, just like an explorer :)

That being said, we have received feedback on how it would be nice to be able to store 'resistance sets' and other items for later use and there is merit behind that idea...

Maybe some sort of storage as a gold sink, in a future iteration, would work. It would require that we take another look at the economy (among other things).

Thank you for playing LoX and let us know if you need anything else!
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Re: Storage Chest as DLC?

Postby tolkienfan37 » Thu Feb 18, 2016 2:10 am

Thanks, for the response, Anubis! That's a good point about making the hard choices as an explorer. It's just hard when you get a nice piece of armor or weapon very early that is heavy but can't be used for a few levels because the character stats aren't high enough. Ah well, it's all about choices! :-) I like the idea of a gold sink if it would work with the economy!
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