Character portrait gender confusion

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Character portrait gender confusion

Postby rubeck » Mon Jan 12, 2015 3:20 am

A pretty minor bug happened to me lately and, although it's not really impeding my progress in the game, it can potentially be annoying for other players: when using the option to switch portraits from the character screen, most of my female characters can only change their portraits to MALE ones.

Here's the exact order in which I've created the party:

- Gaulen (pre-generated);
- Female Soldier;
- Male Paladin;
- Male Thief;
- Female Bard;
- Female Cleric;

At character creation, all portrait choices were from the correct genders and, upon reaching the first town, I clicked on the Female Soldier and successfully changed her portrait to another female portrait. So far, so good... But immediately after, when trying to change the portraits of the other two female PCs, only the MALE portrait choices showed up.

Then I tried to change the Soldier's portrait a few more times (to check if it would also bug out), but it correctly displayed only the female portraits. For some reason, the bug did not reach this one female character, but I don't know why. The male characters are only displaying the male portrait choices, as it should be.

I'm using custom portraits on all the characters, but, as far as I can tell, they're all correctly named (after all, the game displayed the right portrait choices during character creation, and is still displaying the correct choices when trying to switch everyone's portrait except the Female Bard and Cleric).
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Joined: Mon Jan 12, 2015 2:39 am

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