(This is the same guide which was included with the Beta invitation mails.)
Although the game starts off with a tutorial and is fairly intuitive as an RPG, we thought some might appreciate a few tips to get started (as well as a reference for game controls). Here it is:
- You can use the right mouse button to examine any element on the screen. A message with the description and help will be displayed.
- Before you start the game, examine the different difficulty modes and choose the one that fits best for you.
- Experiment and try everything, this is the best advice. Remember you can save your progress anytime you want. The game auto-saves when you the change locations, but it is highly recommended to keep several save game slots.
- In general, don't spend all of your money. You should keep something with you to buy essential objects like food torches and lockpicks.
- Remember this is a non-linear game. You can go wherever you like, but be careful. You can find challenges and enemies impossible to beat with your current level. Explore other zones and come back when you are prepared.
The game can be managed entirely using the mouse, but here you have some keys you can find useful.
F5 - Save the quick save game.
F8 - Load the quick save game.
- Arrow keys and AWSD to move the character.
- Press CONTROL or SHIFT while you are moving to switch between walk and run.
- Press CAPS LOCK key to set the default movement (walk or run).
On Map
- ESC: Open the main game menu.
- C: Open the Character sheet (inventory, status, skills...). You can do it with double-click on the portrait of the character.
- M: Open / Close the Map. You can view the region map and the world map.
- TAB: Show / Hide the GUI interface.
- I: Open the inventory.
- J: Open the Journal.
- N: Open the Messages Log.
- T: Activate / Deactivate the Torch.
- G: Open the Combat Formation window.
- R: For resting.
- H: Opens the Herbs Window.
- 1 through 6: Select the character in the given position.
During Combat
- ESC: Open the main game menu.
- M: Changes the position of the current character.
- R: Run from combat.
- H: Choose the Help action for the current character.
- A: Attack the nearest enemy.
- D: Choose the Defend action for the current character.