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[Solved] Localization errors at end of beta content

PostPosted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 11:08 am
by ValadursErbe
- The hand-written notes in the dried river-runway in eastern Varaskel are cut-off. Solving the puzzle in the Hall of Heroes becomes a guessing game because the clues can not be read entirely.
- The texts of the heroes in the Hall of Heroes of Varaskel is cut off or not translated on almost every statue.
- The statue of Yul at the entrance to the area of Rasmuria (behind the ogre) makes the screen go black and 2 messages pop up. They are both in Spanish and I can not understand them. Probably something about the power of the statue blocking my way.
- In the game credits, the team of Numantian Games and the description of what they do, are in Spanish

I also frequently update my long thread about localization errors. :)

Re: Localization errors at end of beta content

PostPosted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 4:08 pm
by Menorbriam
Yes. All those texts are still in Spanish. Tomorrow we will release the 0.7 version with all those missing texts and lots of corrections and improvements.

Thanks again!