Worthy first-impressions look from one of the best old-school gaming blogs out there. Have a snippet:
Almost two years ago, when I was in the midst of Tangled Tales, an anonymous poster commented and said that, inspired by my blog, he decided to create an RPG called Lords of Xulima. He linked to the blog of the studio developing it, Numantian Games. I was suspicious of the comment, given that the linked site (worth reading) referred to my blog as a "book." As it violated my comment rules anyway, I deleted the post.
Two years later, I feel kind of bad about that:
It turns out that the "book" thing was just a mistranslation and the developer really is a big fan. In an e-mail exchange a few days ago, Numantian Games director Jesús Arribas said that if not for my blog, "Lords of Xulima wouldn't exist." He also offered me some free Steam keys, so I absolutely had to check out the game.
A well-deserved pat on the back of our director who has, since that original e-mail, devoted more than 2 years to making this inspiration a reality. Cheers!