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Swapping Units in Combat after Summons broken

PostPosted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 7:21 pm
by Kordanor
Once you summoned units in combat, the position swap is not working properly anymore.

To demonstrate it, I made a video again:

Minor issue while we are on it: The Guard's Animation speed is much faster than the animations from other mobs from the first zone.

PS: Would really love an answer on the Speed issue over here ;)
Because changing something in that matter after release, potentially gimping some groups, would lead to grumpy players for sure.

Re: Swapping Units in Combat after Summons broken

PostPosted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 11:45 am
by Menorbriam
Hi Kordanor,

The combat position bug it is very hard to reproduce. We have one bug related with the current selected character (which in some cases can be shown two as current characters). It is fixed, perhaps was that the reason for the bug.

I have answered the other comment.

Re: Swapping Units in Combat after Summons broken

PostPosted: Tue Nov 11, 2014 9:11 pm
by Kordanor
The bug still exists in the recent version and is extremely annoying. Especially on Iron Man where such a bug can mean that you have to reload as you just sent your mage into the frontline.
I also don't quite understand why it's hard to reproduce. I can make it happen every single combat. Only seems to happen when swapping, not when moving to empty positions.

I really hope this can be fixed before release.

Re: Swapping Units in Combat after Summons broken

PostPosted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 7:42 pm
by Quardah

Lurking on the forum i found this thread. If this bug is not fixed yet (it isn't i swear) then i have some more info in the thread i started (see second section of the post)


Thanks and hope we can find the issue.