[Solved] It's Weapon Speed again

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[Solved] It's Weapon Speed again

Postby Kordanor » Mon Nov 03, 2014 2:27 pm

We discussed about that in the steam forums a while back.
But from my perspective the weapon speed still does not have an influence OR it has an unintended impact on the game:

Observation 1:
Weapon Speed does not have any impact on when your next turn is. A mage with a 8s weapon (dagger) will have his next turn in 10 seconds same as a mage with a 10s weapon (pole).

Observation 2:
Casts do not adjust when the next turn will be. With exceptions of special actions.

If Observation 1 is working as intended: This would mean that slower weapons would almost always be better than faster weapons, because they probably do more damage.

If Observation 1 is not working as intended but Observation 2 is working as intended: This would mean that you should equip your mages with daggers to be able to cast faster.

I think these things can have a big impact on the game and group composition. It would be great if you can take another look on what influence weapon speed actually has in the formulars.

How to test in game
-Create 2 Female mages with different portraits, equipped with dagger
-Create 3 Male mages with different portraits, equipped with polearms
-Position the both dagger wielder to the front together with gaulen and the 3 pole wielder to the back
-Engage in first combat
->The female (dagger wielder) and male (pole wielder) will have an attack speed of 10s each.

In my testings the pole wielder's 10s was even rounded down to 9s while the dagger wielder's 10s were always 10s.
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Re: It's Weapon Speed again

Postby Menorbriam » Mon Nov 10, 2014 11:45 am


The weapons does not determine the Player Speed in combat, but the recovery time after using them.

Every action has a recovering time cost. By default, in the beginning of the combat, as none has performed any action, the "initial turn time is 10". Once you perform an action the character has recovering time, if he has attacked with a fast weapons, his recovering time will be lower that attacking with a slower weapon. And all affected by the combatant speed.

If the mages are casting spells, their turn time is determined by the action cost of the spell, and weapons does not affect that at all.
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Re: It's Weapon Speed again

Postby Kordanor » Mon Nov 10, 2014 6:56 pm

Thanks alot, checked again and it indeed works perfectly fine! :)
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