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[SOLVED] A couple of bugs

PostPosted: Sat May 31, 2014 7:10 pm
by amwolf92
Sometimes money does not show being subtracted when buying items, but when you close the shop everything is subtracted fine.

I bought a fur shield from Morwick, it subtracted the value of it from my gold and went to my side as being purchased but when I opened my inventory it was not there and Morwick did not have it and I also lost the money.

I had one guy escape from combat before the last guy in my party died after which the screen was jumping as I was walking.

When camping the option that says "rest until all hit and power points are restored, does not work. You do not stop resting when the hit and power points are restored, you keep on resting.

For the first level of the main character the experience points bar does not move it stays at zero percent until he levels, then everything is fine after that.

Re: A couple of bugs

PostPosted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 8:32 pm
by Menorbriam
Sometimes money does not show being subtracted when buying items, but when you close the shop everything is subtracted fine.

I bought a fur shield from Morwick, it subtracted the value of it from my gold and went to my side as being purchased but when I opened my inventory it was not there and Morwick did not have it and I also lost the money.

We have tried to reproduce this but it has been impossible. Are you sure of that? There is an option in the shop (a button on the center) to undo all the transactions. If you press it, all you have bought or sold will be restored.

I had one guy escape from combat before the last guy in my party died after which the screen was jumping as I was walking.

We have to check that and fix it.

For the first level of the main character the experience points bar does not move it stays at zero percent until he levels, then everything is fine after that.

The same. We cannot reproduce it. Perhaps it was because of an old version that has some bugs in the experience points needed to level up.

When camping the option that says "rest until all hit and power points are restored, does not work. You do not stop resting when the hit and power points are restored, you keep on resting.

This is because it rest until all is cured: HP, PP, wounds (require 8h) and fatal wounds which require 24h. Perhaps some character had wounds and it looked like a bug. Perhaps that option only would have to heal until HP/PP are restores. What do you think?

Thanks for the feedback!

Re: A couple of bugs

PostPosted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 2:25 am
by amwolf92
The rest option I was talking about is working fine now. The fur shield purchase I am sure about but have not had any problem since. Also I have another bug, walking around the golden forest for the second/third time (after being sent back to the beginning), I hear howling and I think I should be entering combat with hounds but the screen goes black and I have the cursor on the screen but nothing happens.

Re: A couple of bugs

PostPosted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 4:09 pm
by amwolf92
Just to let you know same thing happen today, but the combat worked fine and the game did not freeze on me.

Re: A couple of bugs

PostPosted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 5:11 pm
by Menorbriam
Now when the Cursed Hounds appear, the screen turns dark for some seconds and the Hounds are shown. As they are supposed to bring the darkness wherever they go. ;)

Re: A couple of bugs

PostPosted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 1:32 pm
by amwolf92
I know but it kept on freezing when it went to the black screen (waited for 20 - 30 minutes) , but it was just that day. I closed the program and restarted it, it still froze, but the next day it was fine and I entered combat with no problems.

Re: A couple of bugs

PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 5:21 pm
by Menorbriam
That error is already fixed in the current version so it shouldn't happen anymore.