Resources spent, but no upgrade in action

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Resources spent, but no upgrade in action

Postby Cazual » Sat Dec 16, 2017 2:52 pm

I think there is a glitch when you hotkey all your houses (for example) then upgrade them en mass.

The first time is fine, but after some houses are upgraded, if you hit the same hotkey and try to upgrade more houses, sometimes it takes your money and attempts to upgrade an already upgraded house. Sometimes an appropriate house gets upgraded, but not all the time. Sometimes it picks a house that has already been upgraded, takes your money, and no houses begin to upgrade.

I was wondering why it took me so long to upgrade my houses and was out of resources.

Until then, you can't use a hotkey to select buildings that half of them have been upgrade, you have to double click to select all the ones that have not been upgraded.

Ideally, the hotkey would drop the buildings that have been upgraded because they no longer would have the upgrade button.
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