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Dumbfounded Vermolios

PostPosted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 3:59 pm
by GofunDake
Vermolios (mushrooms with green caps in the Spore Forest) are passive during the battle stage, just standing there defending all the time, waiting for you to slaughter them, that's not fun and of course after their inevitable defeat the game tells you how they are known for their poisonous strikes etc. Oh really!? Well, during my game session they behave like dumbfounded retards. Well, I might be wrong, and the only retarded person here is my humble self, so I posted about it on forum and apparently Vermolios don't behave like that only to be mean to me, but rather they're indiscriminately retarded towards all happy owners of GOG's LoX. Wait, there's more, as I see it, only GOG version blessed with handicapped Vermolios, since there is not a word of something similar on Steam forum. So, my question is: will there be a cure for them?

P.S If I sounded bitter, sorry, it's just that I have paid 20$ for the game that seems to be plagued with some major bugs, although it's presented as the one that has them none. I've uploaded a save file just before the encounter with green shrooms, just in case.

Re: Dumbfounded Vermolios

PostPosted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 3:52 pm
by ConjurerDragon
In the boxed game version I received the mushrooms with green caps DO attack and occasionally poison someone.

Edit: On GOG the 1.8 patch came in April. Did you already update your game? ... _184_linux