Current game bug, major

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Current game bug, major

Postby Roscoe » Fri Dec 08, 2017 2:54 am

Hello. I'm currently playing Map 2. 120% medium / 100 days.

My second mayor was the Increase defense to buildings.

Currently the hordes of zombies have been destroying a turret, a lot more slowly than usual. which I'm sure the mayor perk is doing. but after the turret goes offline but not off the map the zombies continue to attack the inactive turret indefinitely, unable to deal damage to turret. (executor). so I'm sure this bug is major since I can win the game occupied on the god turret. they have been for atleast 10 days now. I'm still playing it. I wish I had some screen shots. I'm not used to filling out bug reports but I enjoy this game SO MUCH! I want to help when possible.

hopefully this information helps. if there is anything I can do let me know. thanks
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Joined: Fri Dec 08, 2017 2:48 am

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