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error when loading game

PostPosted: Thu Dec 21, 2017 3:54 pm
by bomski
First of all apologies if this is in the wrong forum; I couldn't find the right place to post...

I've been enjoying They Are Billions a lot! However, when trying to load a recent save, I received the following error:

'It has been an error while loading the game: There is no command center after loading the game'

Looking in the logfile I can see the following:

14:46 - Loading game: C:\Users\gaming\Documents\My Games\They Are Billions\Saves\Survival006.zxsav
14:46 - ZXSystem_GameLevel - LoadLevel - Begin
14:46 - ZXSystem_GameLevel - GetMiniMapImage - Begin
14:46 - ZXSystem_GameLevel - GetMiniMapImage - End
14:46 - ZXSystem_GameLevel - LoadLevel - End
14:46 - Exception!
File LoadGameSaved, Method D:\Proyectos\ZX\ZXGame\Main Classes\ZXGame.cs, Line 891
There is no Command Center after loading the game.
at ZX.ZXGame.<>c__DisplayClass142_0.<LoadGameSaved>b__0()

Any help would be appreciated!