Computer specs:
Win 7 SP 1 (64-bit), GeForce GTX 780, graphics driver 331.82, running with dual monitors at 1920x1200 (primary) & 1200x1600 (secondary)
When launching the game, the screen flickers to black (as if a resolution change was occurring), then back to my desktop over and over again. The only sign that the game is actually running is that the mouse cursor changes (to the yellow arrow). If I press <alt>-<enter> to switch to windowed mode, the game seems to run fine, but as soon as I try to switch back to full screen mode the flickering starts again.
I suspect that the problem is related to the dual monitor setup -- even though the mouse cursor moves (as expected) to the center of the primary monitor on game start, it is acting like I'm continuously using alt-tab to switch away from / back to the game. On the other hand, the music continuous without interruption while the flickering occurs and when in windowed mode the music stops when I switch to another window, so maybe it is something else.
Let me know if you need any other details.