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<title type="html"><![CDATA[[Solved] Localization Errors 04.06.2014]]></title>

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Reported by ValadursErbe:<br /><blockquote class="uncited"><div><br />- the quality level &quot;cottom&quot; for cloaks should be &quot;cotton&quot;<br />- Ulrog soldiers are called &quot;Ulrog Soldado&quot;<br />- the &quot;Divine Prayer&quot; skill description of the cleric shows the same amount of health and PP recovered, although the PP amount is way lower when using the skill<br />- the riddle on the field of stones : &quot;lyon&quot; should be spelled &quot;lion&quot;<br />- the message box that pops up when the &quot;hunting&quot; skill of Gaulen grants you extra food after battle reads &quot;+ 2 horas&quot; instead of &quot;+ 2 hours&quot;<br />- also the skill description of the &quot;hunting&quot; skill of Gaulen states that you get 0% of the available food<br />- the tower of time has several different names: tower of time (world map), tower of harmony (sign in front of tower), tower of resilience (upon entering and chatting with the skulls) and tower of the resilience (map screen)<br />- in the statistics tab of the journal: &quot;total deaths&quot; should be called &quot;total kills&quot;, I think. It shows me the number 530 and I can´t remember that I died so often<br />- the description of the hammer of Kersket, spelling error: &quot;... used in battled.&quot; instead of &quot;used in battle.&quot;<br /></div></blockquote><br /><br /><span style="font-weight: bold">All fixed in the next version.</span><br /><br />About the Towers, in the map they are wrong, we will update that image too:<br />- The one in Cunavarn is the Tower of Resilience<br />- The one in Varaskel is the Tower of Time<br /><br />Thanks Valadur!<p>Statistics: Posted by <a href="http://lordsofxulima.com/forum/memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=2">Menorbriam</a> — Tue Jun 10, 2014 4:55 pm</p><hr />